Sunday 6 January 2008

Ready to return to normal!

Tomorrow sees the return to "normal"! Lads are back to school, Creative Textiles course starts tomorrow also! (WISH I'd done more! I had vague plans to have updated my sketchbook, learnt several new stitches and tried a new technique, knit some more of my shawl project, Kiri .. but! as it happens! I've done very little!).

Still, it hasn't all been a waste of time, we've done masses of tidying and decluttering and taken two loads to the "tip" and best of all BOTH our wardrobes are sorted and decluttered too! Should make it easier for planning new garments for the year ahead including our summer holiday! yay! we booked a holiday for July! (more details on that when I've umm found the link to where we're apparently going!!).

Now that the "domestics" are done in "holiday time" this leaves ME with lots of free time the next couple of weeks ahead to really get my teeth into projects!
FIRST up I must simply MUST finish sock.2 which is practically done, bar the finishing! and THEN I must get myself together and finish my jacket and bolero - I lost confidence in EACH but since talking to one friend about the jacket, it appears it DOES seem short but a good pressing and heaving will correct that and I have been urged to try to ignore these misgivings and carry on! Bumping into my good friend, Ann, whose daughter, Elizabeth, also bought the bolero confirms that there IS a an error in this pattern! and better news! they have sorted it! if I'm unable to work it out, I can visit Ann to be put right! (now that I KNOW there is an error, I may be able to do it myself its just that initial feeling of IS it ME or is it the PATTERN!).
I've left the shawl/Kiri aside as I really need to concentrate on this and I might even do some practice on my sample needles before picking it up lest I go all silly and start dropping stitches or something awful and completely lose my nerve!!

I renewed, also, the lovely textiles library books too! And hope to feel inspired sufficiently to read them properly!


shirleyknits said...

Sue, your sewing projects sound great. Getting 2 wardrobes sorted and decluttered is accomplishing a lot! Tomorrow will be "back to normal" for me, as well. Phew!

Ann :D (amysmum2)

Jules said...

I'll warn ya, it's a bumpy, tiring ride back into the "normal" mode of life.;)

SewIknit2 said...

thanks both!

Normal takes a bit of getting back to, but I think I am nearly there, as you can see I've started working again on projects, hope you are too!

SewIknit2 said...

thanks both!

Normal takes a bit of getting back to, but I think I am nearly there, as you can see I've started working again on projects, hope you are too!