Saturday 7 July 2007

The Patons Cotton went back for a full refund. (instead I've set aside 10balls of Jaeger "Aqua" in hot pink!). MUST focus on next project, tempted to start the Debbie Bliss.
This evening we ate Andrew's broccoli for dinner! (after I'd eaten my portion this information was relayed, I said I hoped it had been WASHED THOROUGHLY prior to cooking? yes. It had. apparently was covered in "slime". felt slightly queasy. somehow Tesco fruit and veg aisle is looking attractive again ..)

Plans next week include pre holiday clothes shopping for the family. I am dreading this. our 11yr old has informed us he wants "black". and belts/wrist strap things with studs. and could he dye his very fine and blonde hair BLACK.

I think we may have "issues" with our youngest son! who has become "moody" (moodIER). and I am reminded of my Late Mother's experiences with me! I hope, however, to do better than her which shouldn't be too hard to achieve!

Sadly we hear the news that our childhood pony who is a great age, is at the stage at which it is kinder by vets' opinion "put down". Rather sad to hear this. Plan to sort some "pony" pictures next few days and might scan some in and share here!
Candy was rather a "character" but has had a good and long life. End of an era! closure too?

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