Saturday 28 July 2007

Miserable weather!

Not much to say about the holiday really. on account of the RAIN. miserable weather!
Miserable kids. too. it started off pretty miserably with the fiasco at the cattery! Lilly and Bertie suspected something was up when we started packing the cases and immediately disappeared and had to be grasped by the scruffs of their necks to force them into their cat carrier!
Our aim was to leave early and we'd made special arrangement for the cattery to receive the cats at 8.30am instead of the usual 2.30pm. on the dot at 8.30am we rang the bell! the Manager arrived 3 mins later and promptly put a dampner on the proceedings by asking for the vets certificates! yikes! left the yowling cats AND the lads at the cattery and dashed home. dashed back. one hour later we were off! in the pouring rain on our HOLIDAYS!
nothing. I thought, could be worse than travelling with young children. except, perhaps, travelling with OLDER children. at least when small they sleep. at rising 12 and 15 they just WHINGE.
still we made good time and passed through one or two flooded areas and the rain FINALLY (and briefly as it happens) STOPPED!
We'd gone with a positive frame of mind to make the best of it. taken books, games consoles and knitting and LUDO. After 3 days Les discovered we actually had more channels on the tiny tv! but by then we'd all decided books and ludo were more fun!!
Sadly the weather was pretty poor and we only managed the beach a couple of times.
Had a few nice meals, had one or two good walks.
Glad all in all to be HOME mind!
Couple of shots giving a general impression of our weeks holiday in one of Les's colleagues caravans in Skegness.

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