Monday 28 April 2008

yayy! the PC is nearly fixed

David called round on Sunday while I was out at work and confirms the lads' graphics card is the reason they cannot switch their PC on and a new one has been ordered and confirmed as delivered by mid week and he has promised to call after work and fit it!

(no more undignified scrabbling for the pc and shoving little people off the chair and elbowing them firmly to get possession OF the keyboard - I should try harder, really, and LET the children play I mean do their homework .. hum humm )

Our PC meanwhile continues to plays up from time to time, and I've found out the email has let me down again as two people have contacted me to ask why I didn't reply! I didn't reply, because I didn't receive it TO reply to! David has muttered about "fierce security" on our system .. later, possibly Julyish, he's going to wipe the hard disk and start us off afresh!

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