Sunday 9 September 2007

A Creative Textiles Course! yummy SCRUMMMY!

Today we had a display from the local College and one of the co-ordinators together with a tutor who we all know very well as she works freelance for "Rowan" and is a lovely lady! came and talked to people about whats available, generally, for the crafty minded of us!

They left very happy as they managed to inspire half the STAFF into signing up for various courses!!

I have provisionally booked a place set to start a week tomorrow on a Creative Textile Course which I'm told will encompass lots of different things, techniques and materials and will concentrate on HAND KNITTING!! and QUILTING!! and further, on EMBELLISHING/FELTING! we're to do beading! too! yayyy!! It will run in terms throughout the year and I'm assured its NOT strictly for the "artty types" rather ordinary crafty type ladies are encouraged to come along and explore their potential in expanding their experience creatively with full tuition but we can CHOOSE whether to formally take an "exam" or not.
At £150 per term its not cheap, however I think I might be able to manage it!
My colleague, who until recently was a creative emb. tutor and other sewing related courses tutor thinks she might take it too to keep her hand it and hope to perhaps get back into teaching when perhaps the funding is a little more forthcoming to us "crafty leisure learning" types!

We feel a bit left out! you can do these courses if you want to take a 3yr course and come away with a headache clutching a certificate alright! but YOU try asking for something that is challenging and inspiring but which is run leisurely and you can't get any satisfaction!!

I've practically talked myself into signing! I think I will!!
With this in mind, do please share your own thoughts on taking courses, tutoring them, how easy you find them in your locality and generally your opinion!
Do please visit the end of the screen and vote in the NEW POLL too!

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