Monday 22 September 2008

More fun with Jewellery! a bracelet

I'm really keen to get into beads and jewellery making and when I saw the new parts in to make up a simple bracelet being demonstrated instore, I had to buy one!
Of course its no good just buying the parts! you have to buy a BOOK don't you!
I love books, and this one is very good for me as a beginner and also for showing projects that look achieveable within its covers too!

Some bits and pieces including the bracelet chain, links and beads (above)
and (below) approx 12seconds later they are made up into a bracelet!

How EASY-PEASY-LEMON-SQUEEZY is that? and the best part? I can unclip the *clippy* things and thread more or different beads when ever I want!

Looks a treat on! don't you think? Inspired now to do something a bit more challenging!

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