Tuesday 6 November 2007

My 2nd sock and hospital update

Sock no.2. is well underway - you can see sock 1 to the right! the broad spiral pattern ..
I was tempted to begin a new sock no.1 but resisted and forced myself to start it last night with the intention of having a portable knitting project for our hospital appointment today with Matt and his burnt fingers!

I'm glad, actually, I have started it, it really IS a nice pattern and relaxing enough being an easy to remember 4 row repeated sequence, while offering a bit of interest in the pattern to not be boring!

We arrived 15mins early at the hospital, the waiting room was packed and I feared a long wait! we had to sit in a darkened corridor due to lack of seating and a young girl came with us. We struck up a conversation after I pulled out my socks! and she ventured that she was keen on crochet! After 5mins of conversation she was offering her ipod to my son, swapping seats and we were chatting KNITTING!!
She was called for her appointment and soon after so to were we!
In fact it was hardly worth taking a project or even finding a seat!
The service offered was very quick and efficient!
While in the treatment room, I sat clutching my knitting mid round and it took me 5mins to fully satisfy the curiosity OF the Doctor who insisted I "knit a round" in order to see how it was done! Shame I wasn't doing anything marvellous and whizzo like turning the heel, but never mind he seemed impressed and at one point I thought he was going to ask for GO! (this, btw, was MUCH to my son's embarassment!).

oh! yes! my SON'S HANDS! yes, they are FINE! Apparently they may weep a bit but we needn't do anything and they are now unbandaged and he's feeling MUCH better!
He's not SURE whether he's quite up to school/writing .. hmm ...

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