Tuesday 10 June 2008

Creative Textiles: nearing the end

As we reach the end of our course and holidays start to loom we're very short on numbers now that are regularly attending - we're a small but select group! but, still, we're eager to continue exploring and this week our tutor had set us all the challenge of creating a textile piece inspired from some images against the design element that we are now concentrating on.

We spent two hours messing about with threads, beads and buttons (and some with wooden blocks, bits of string and paint! to create effects on fabric! that was pretty cool!).

Our work has been checked and as a group we're deemed good enough to have collectively "passed" - which is good! However some mutterings within the group about lack of feedback on ALL of our work and, specifically, on those of us newbies/level I's work from on high-up! (which is a bit of a laugh as on high-up is ACTUALLY sitting in the office next door - you'd sort of think she could do a bit of extra marking in between checking the car parking and kitchen/washing up standards?).
While this came as a surprise to some of the newbies, it didn't, particularly, to me!
My most irritating experience of this came about 5yrs ago while attending an IT course (heavily subsidised, of course, which is what "they" say is the point behind it all but I've never been able to discover quite WHAT this point actually IS as my logic suggests if all that money is being chucked into the course, then surely they'd want to thoroughly examine and cross question everyone's work including their attendance?).
Anyway, no point getting riled up again about it, suffice it to say that I was most annoyed to discover that during our "exam" (and at my age, remembering proper exams I find this use of the term "exam" a bit of a joke but there I go again - getting riled up!) one of our fellow students managed to remember to turn up for the exam however as she'd not actually turned up to half of the course, was unable to do the exam without the assistance of the two sat next to her! One of them happened to feel this wasn't appropriate and ignored her, the other appeared to be just as clueless himself and we had this (laughable NOW, 5yrs on but NOT at the time on the day!) situation where first a fellow student ACROSS the room came over to "assist" - now you're probably wondering about the TUTOR? .. well the TUTOR came over NEXT!
At THIS point, two of us decided to make a stand and suggest this was not only inappropriate but possibly unfair! and we ended up (this is true, I promise you!) with a slanging match across the room as half were agreed this shouldn't be happening, and a few thought it perfectly reasonable and a few just apparently enjoyed the prospect of a break from the tedium of the "exam" and were clearly hoping it'd end up as a scrap!
The tutor spoke with 4 of us at the end, to "reassure us" that it wouldn't "matter" about assisting this particular lady as she'd not be applying for any jobs due to the fact that she was leaving the country the following week - he was obviously used to this and didn't seem all that concerned beyond the need to get as many "passes" as he could and since half hadn't actually bothered to turn up for the exam this lady was needed for the numbers!
Was I upset for myself? not especially. I was upset for my children! who are coming up in the system and who one day very soon will NEED these sort of quals in order to validate their job applications and improve their prospects of gaining employment! when certificates are just handed out like this, is it any wonder employers don't value them?

For leisurely pursuits, for ladies like us that are just wanting to enjoy the company of like minded folk, who just want to explore new techniques for the treat OF trying something new or different, its all a bit tiresome!

Well. I'm off now to un-rile myself with a spot of tailoring!
Got myself into a pickle last week when I discovered that yes I had been marvellously frugal in stretching a length of navy pinstripe into two skirts and a jacket - however when I came to sew the collar I discovered I'd not got any facings! blast! blast! BLAST! and nothing in my stash to co-ordinate and nothing in the shops as suiting is regarded as "winter". I could wait until Aug when it will be deemed "winter" however I need to wear the suit NOW.
All a bit annoying!
MORE annoying was the discovery that I'd apparently forgotten how to sew and had attached my in-seam pockets to the outside of my jacket. both times! more annoyingly still, I didn't realise until after I'd seamed both sides ..

Happily its now sorted, and I've just got to sew up the lining and attach it and voila! it will be done (subject to finding something not too hideous for the miserable facings).

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