Monday 19 January 2009

Yay! I can nearly do it!

I had a fancy to learn to knit two socks on two circulars!
Ages ago I downloaded Terry Ross's comprehensive instructions and printed the pdf and then went all chicken and abandoned the idea!
THEN I decided to go for it!
I bought two pairs of rather cheap circulars from a local shop and purchased another ball of Regia Silk Color as I already had 3/4's leftover from a previous pair of socks and CAST ON!
And ripped out! and at one point I admit to taking my scissors to it and CUTTING it out!
I could NOT get it!
The wriggly cables made it worse and I ended up with a pair of twisted back to front sets of cast on stitches that apparently didn't form an orderly queue to be knitted in sequence while, meanwhile, the two balls of yarn behaved like naughty kittens and tangled so much I had to take the scissors to them too!
I nearly gave up!
Then I found some video's and links and found the confidence to have another go, this time just ONE sock! baby steps! one at a time! I need someone to hold my hand, preferably! but I think I've got it, least for the st st leg section.
I'm trying NOT to think about how I'd work the heel flap and pick up the gussett - I'm wondering whether to just knit a tube and feel PLEASED with myself instead!

I do. however. feel ridiculously pleased with myself!

Today is dh's birthday! He's gone to work but when he returns home we are going out for a meal at the local to celebrate. No.2.son baked him a super freshcream filled Victoria sponge - yummy!!

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