Friday 8 August 2008

Rowan Bamboo Tape (project)

Using my BARGAIN Rowan Bamboo Tape from several months ago, in softest blue, (703 - chalk) I've cast ON and knit about 10rows of "Tori" from the book (while on holiday! it was too hot to knit and I plan to pick up the needles now I'm back home and sorted to normal routine).

Tempted as I am to buying more yummy yarn and books that are newly out, I'm resisting SEW far and plan too, to look out some patterns from my bargain Cocoon yarn in grey. I'm going to be super organised and KNIT LIKE MAD!

But first, we're baking! no.2.son.13yrs has decided he wants to cook and bake in particular.
I'm trying to encourage this but so far having a little difficulty in interesting him in cooking our actual "dinner" and most particularly, in WASHING UP AFTERWARDS.
still. its quite pleasant, eating CAKE ..

My birthday is next week, and he plans another rather yummy Victoria Sponge - sigh ...

The cake baked especially for his birthday while in Spain last week was just too yummy to even describe, we spent ages drooling over the photo's and when I get chance I'll upload to pc and share!

Post hols laundry is now completely caught up with and the suitcases are packed away in the loft and the tan is starting to fade already, what with this dreadful dull rainy weather! yesterday it waited until 1 stop before I jumped off the bus and then OPENED the skies! and chucked out rain like only happens to me when about to jump off the bus .. I was SOAKED!! had rather a fright as thought my jacket was "shrinking" on me! it seemed to creep up my wrists! hurried home before I ended up wearing mini and boob-tube in grey flannel!

Of course the cats are miserable!
they are just about forgiving us for leaving them (leaving them means left with my brother, not actually leaving them on their own!) alone but now they blame me for the dreadful weather! to make their point they are both using the litter tray as much as possible and in particular after its cleaned out and shedding fur all over the place. To be sure that we don't go anywhere without them, instead of popping out into the garden for 6hrs they are tripping me up and getting under my FEET all day too! All this means they are BORED at night and loads of energy to the fact that I don't do a lot in the house and have taken to waking me up around 3.45am by racing about the landing and stairs yowling before hissing and fighting each other underneath MY side of the bed! this morning Bertie decided to pester the lads, and no.2.son was up at 7am after trying unsuccessfully to get rid of Bertie and back to sleep (this is rare, since turning 13 he's switched to getting up around midday and demanding BRUNCH!).
Of course he's tired and irritable now. not to mention hungry. I'm thinking of suggesting he go to bed AT midday for a nap! Reminds me, slightly, of when they were babies/toddlers and the welcome relief of the day-time nap! I was luckier than most of my friends in that both mine had a morning and an afternoon nap and, generally, they coincided too! bliss!

I asked a friend who had a teen as well as a new baby, IF it got "easier" as they grew older (thinking, more independant!) she replied: "not easier. as such. more: different!" And I'm beginning to see what she means.

Current editions of Sewing World and Simply Knitting have arrived! must go and put the kettle on ..

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