Saturday 2 February 2008

My felted grids

Here you can see I've laid a grid of wool tops and set inside the grid a variety of fibres including a piece of silk and some ofYoshimi's lovely yarn which I crocheted into a square (actually I think its a little too thick and I've not quite completely felted it however as it will sit in my sketch book looking pretty rather than useful I don't suppose it'll matter (much).

The cats enjoyed this! I caught Bertie trying to swipe it off the table and Lilly showed some interest in the bubbles that flew out as I got Matt to energetically roller it for .. ohhhh ... AGESSS and agesss!! (hubby ruined the atmosphere of creativity by asking what it WAS EXACTLY and I was unable to answer as I'd sort of forgotten!! he then asked for a slice of what ever it was after it had been rolled and hoped it would be well baked ..)

And here it IS, baked! no. I'm still not sure. but never mind it does look rather pretty!!

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