Monday 10 March 2008

The seriousness of COLOUR

You know you are taking it TOO far when, when sorting laundry loads, you sort not just into "whites" "60deg" and "synthetics" but rather into families of hue! categories of tints, tones and shades! and definitely too far when no.1.sons underpants get omitted from any planned weekly wash THIS week on account of bright blue just doesn't BLEND! ..

looking on the bright side, all this attention to colour means we've not had (m)any "pink" accidents in the predominantly "whites". (no.2.son has STILL not forgiven me for mixing up BOTH his pairs of white PE socks the day before he had PE and had to wear them "rolled" down to his ankles in a bid to disguise the "pinkness". not easy when you consider they were OVER the KNEE length to start off with!

poor dh has started "wheezing"! the other night could hardly catch his breath at night and after I hissed at him to STOP "breathing!" PLEASE! while I attempted to catch up with Hotel Babylon, he announced that he was allergic! to the CATS! and they must go! Either that. or. he said. its the hoovering! (dh has recently taken over this task as one of his domestic contributions to the household and it was going quite well after we spent best part of £200 on a new one with a fancy cylinder). Coughing. a bit. myself. I wondered IF - instead - its all this dust from the FIBRES! I mean. to say. I've got a nice little collection of red and green lint, leftover particles, shreds and the like from a project that has been growing in size for about the past 3 weeks now and I have to say I've started sneezing occasionally when in my sewing room for any length of time myself.

on the OTHER HAND perhaps it IS the cats! Bertie has made his way into our bedroom in the evenings and the tell tale signs of his shedded fur can be found and he then moves into MY sewing room for the night (signs of fur on my chair prove this although he absolutely DENIES ever having been responsible for the unrolling of three balls of yarn and scattering of pattern pieces).

Not taking any chances! will promote, heavily, the idea OF the cat allergy and attempt to play on the lads devastation should he feel the need to insist on their leaving (and quietly I might just gather up the pretty and co-ordinating lint and fabric particles and sweep them away!)

Thinking. this afternoon. if ONLY I could get this obssessed with other things! like DIETING! or other household matters! sadly (or happily?) it seems to be largely confined to CRAFTYNESS only!

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