Sunday 31 July 2011

Old Fashioned Puddings

Next to knitting I enjoy baking.  To be honest I've never really into "cooking" much - other than I've always cooked (from scratch) for the family its generally been a bit of a chore, a case of cooking for them to eat to keep them going! but since our no.2.son developed an interest in baking I've found that I've become interested too.
Not very good for weight management! but I like the cakes and desserts and proper "puddings" and having exhausted my books of ideas and starting to feel a bit repetitive with turning out yet another steamed pudding in one variety of other, I picked up THIS book from the local branch of The Works!

I will let you know which of the recipes I make and how they go down with the family!

They had, also, some copies of Erica Knights book at, I think, around £2-99 however I didn't buy it on account of the one pattern  I did like I already have a couple of copies of in book and magazine format anyway!

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