Tuesday 11 December 2007

Minor irritations & crochet update

Quite CROSS yesterday at having a card pushed through the letterbox advising "they" had attempted to deliver a parcel at "8.30"am and advising that now I've MISSED MY CHANCE for delivery I can just jolly well wait for hours before phoning in to apologise for not being there and they MIGHT just me come and collect it - in some rather far flung area I've never heard of and right in the middle of rush hour traffic, AND I bet they don't have parking spaced AND they want me to bring along full proof of identity .. bah
the ANNOYING part IS that at the time they SAY they "attempted" to deliver the parcel which is logged on their "track your parcel" as at "8.27" THAT was spookily the EXACT time that I was stood ON my open doorstep seeing out my lads to school and watching them for a few mins negotiate the busy road/cross and walk AWAY .. weird that .. that they managed to invisibly sneak PAST me, pop the card through the door and presumably the wind blew it onto the INSIDE of the house too?
I wouldn't mind, but my house is lit up like a CHRISTMAS TREE as everyone madly dashes from room to room to get ready for school.
MOST irritating.
well MOST irritating was the irritation afterwards of trying to CLAIM my parcel and attempt a redelivery! the phone number, irritatingly, records a bored sounding voice suggesting that I look most carefully at my CARD and input my NUMBER in .. now .. yawn .. (pause to input number IN) .. repeat of message .. (put number IN .. AGAIN) .. repeat of message .. lost the will to live and was about to suggest they eat the contents OF my Christmas hamper themselves when FINALLY it accepted my number (its probably cost me more than petrol money to get through to request a 2nd delivery) they've now advised that a second delivery will be "attempted". One can just tell. from the wording. that they EXPECT a failure. I have switched on every light in the house, am sat within yards of the window and am determined to cross my legs and resist the temptation to move to the kitchen for refreshments UNTIL they've arrived!

NOT SEW IRRITATING is my attempts to learn to crochet! Yesterday I bought another sized hook and am going at it like the clappers! SEW far all I've actually got is a pile of small swatches but is been FUN learning a new skill! I feel ready to attempt a project proper!
I must thank Sarah, too, as her ends of yarn have come in tremendously useful for the crochet as well as the knitting and its been nice to work with an handle some different yarns too!

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