Sunday 29 May 2011

A catch up and things to come

Well for a start I hadn't realised it had been so long since I last blogged!

What put me off initially was that I had set a lovely background that became detached (I think!) and sent up error messages all over the places and I couldn't seem to sort it out.  My brother came round one evening and has at least got rid of the error messages! I'm left in the meantime with a different appearance but I'm loathe to tamper with it until I get myself better acquainted with blogger and its improved features.

Although I have been quite productive in knitting and a few forays into sewing I didn't feel inspired to blog about it and my main preoccupation of my ongoing health issues meant I was worried I'd end up whinging about my wretched problems! well! I'm largely over that and myself! not fixed! exactly, but coming around to getting on with it!
To summarise, I have undergone an op. to remove my gall bladder, two catheter ablations to improve my atrial fibrillation and in the process suffered a minor set back in form of a stroke or two!  minor! thankfully and although I have issues and complications, they are improving and I am adapting!

Thats enough of that! back to crafty stuff! I've enjoyed learning how to knit socks 2AAT and also had a go at toe up - I enjoyed a sock KAL with a couple of cyber-pals in a private forum and I'm looking now to progress my knitting with some complex standing and lace projects some of which I will blog about next week! 

I've tried to keep up with my Reader and check on what fellow blog-crafters are doing and will endeavour to join in a bit more and get back "into" things over the summer!
I'd like to hope that some of the readers following my blog will continue to  visit and see that I am "back" and it would be nice to share comments! xx

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