Thursday 3 June 2010

Settling down and getting cosy

One thing our cats don't have a problem with - settling down and getting cosy!
Now the weather is brightening they are much happier and spend considerable periods out enjoying the sunny garden.
I don't generally have a problem, either, with settling down - indeed I sometimes feel I live in my comfy chair and one or two rude comments from the family suggest they think this too!! However it is hard to accept that though you feel "better" in fact you are not.
I plan to spend my time more creatively this coming week with planning some knitting; I've given myself "permission" to sit and rest and am feeling much better as a result and am now fast becoming a fan of the afternoon nap! Lilly, one of our cats, is having to compete with me now for the best spot on the sofa around 3.00pm!

As well as pacing myself with physical activities and building in rest, I need to plan some projects to keep my hands busy and my mind active and switched on! The television is way too addictive and I am resolved to switching it OFF and picking up a few more books instead.

A fresh project is just what I need and surely what the Dr would order?

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