Friday 3 January 2014

A New Year

A very happy New Year to everyone!  The start of a new year always promises to be a time to take stock of the old and plans for the new and I usually have lots of resolutions most of which fizzle out by February!! 
Last year I resolved to be more organised with my knitting and I am happy to say that overall I'm pleased with my resolve, managing to stick to it for MOST of the year.  The biggest change I made was being more organised with my knitting planning and writing out and marking progress in a notebook each project meant that when I put down a project, and then picked it up I could track my position - this has always been a problem for me.  In the first instance I am very VERY prone to casting on and starting squillions of new things and I "promise" myself that I will return to a current project just once I have the new one started - and yes! you guessed right!  it just ends up all lost and abandoned sitting in the corner.  well.  now they all sit neatly in a bag (I have lots of bags! I have LOTS of projects OTN's so much so that this year I've had to buy extra needles - how bad is that?)

ANYWAY.  This year I am resolved to
  1. Finish what I start!
  2. Only start one project at a time and not attempt two of the same eg garments
  3. Continue to use the notebook and update Ravelry pages
  4. Knit more garments this year
Outside of crafty resolutions is the usual and inevitable "I will lose weight/diet" and "I will read more" sigh .. I wish I could be one of those people that grabs it with both hands and attacks with gusto but I know its only a matter of weeks before I'm tucking into cake and flinging the kindle aside in favour of the ipad !

I wish everyone a Happy New Year and good luck with all resolutions and look forward to sharing them with you! x

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