Monday, 19 March 2012

WOW! how lucky am I?

WOW! how lucky am I?
yesterday a knock at the door - my brother turned up with an ipad under his arm! for me!
appears he has upgraded and generously gifted his original to me! how brill is that?
I had a lesson on basics to use, had it set up with all my main areas of interest ie Ravelry, FB, Twitter and the like and left to read the ipad instructions and have a go!!

Its taking me a while to get used to it as I'm not terribly good with these techie things, but already I've found my emails, posted to FB and downloaded patterns from Rav. library to view and I expect there is squillions of other stuff I can do to enhance my "knitting" experience of my new gadget!
tips? anyone?


marysews said...

You're way ahead of me, although my DD has one.

Sandy said...

Very sweet of him. Sorry you had your emails posted to facebook, hopefully you'll find out how to undo that snafu. Given the options on almost everwhere, groups, forums etc. it's a good idea to never use your facebook sign to keep it separate. That way things you don't want made public don't appear for thousands to read in error. Plus, I've now been reading, employers are getting into people's facebook to keep your worlds a bit secure and separate. Good luck with the learning on your new tech tool.

Faith said...

That is brilliant Im too scared to have a go on an Ipad im not brainy enough to use one and all my coppers coins what ever goes on threads, materials, patterns and lucky car boot finds so.... well done, thumbs up there. So can you check emails where ever you are? where ever you go?