Monday, 16 January 2012

Waiting for Easter ..

Well at least waiting for the Easter holiday! Because thats the next time we get to bring our son home again from Uni!
Yesterday we took him back which was sad because we're going to miss him, but I think he was about ready to get away from me! at least! and I do feel much better that he seems to want to be away from me I mean at the Uni!  He's taken to his studies very well, clearly enjoys the work and is well suited to the course and is even thinking of learning a language.  Russian.  for some reason.  Vague hints about possibly wanting to go and visit and work/live in Russia .. I managed to dodge those - far too far away for me to even think about! I'm just about managing to cope with him being 4hrs drive away in this country!!
Annoyingly I forgot to get out two of the main bags of provisions from the cupboard and was SO cross and upset at myself for this! Insisted that dh and I took him to his local supermarket to buy some stuff for him to set him up!  It was important to me to feel that we'd given him a good start with the basics and in particular the heavy stuff that he would find difficult to carry, eg milk, water, pop and tinned stuff and potato etc.  I wasn't very popular with either of them in this respect! and its cost us a fortune in grocery bill having him home not least because I spent £60 on clothes for him on his last day .. still you only have them once don't you?
Slight annoyance on way back a diversion cost us an additional hour to the journey plus a lot of heavy traffic added to the stress, we got back and I switched the chip pan on (I'd already roasted a gammon joint in anticipation of a quick dinner late in the evening and "chips" is generally popular with dh and no.2.son) only to find the electrics "went"!  Now.  As we'd had a power cut twice in one day last week, I assumed it was the same and ordered dh to IGNORE it and LEAVE it (stop FIDDLING with the fuse box!) and WAIT .. only problem was WE were the only house in the street in darkness .. dh ignored me and fiddled with the fuse box and power was restored ..
Mad dash about the locality to find a chip shop that was open late on Sunday - dh insisted that he WANTED chips and INSISTED we found a chippie .. we did. and they were horrid.  which is generally our experience hence having a chip pan of our own .. anyway at that late hour it was food at least .. but the gammon was really nice!

On Friday we went for a meal at the local pub to celebrate the early birthday for Les while our son was still home, give our son a nice meal out before his return and it coincided with the 10th anniversary of my late Dad who died on 13th January 10yrs ago so all in all Fri 13th was an emotional day for various reasons!

On Saturday my friend, Sally, and I attended a party to celebrate the relocation of a lys and took along a gift bottle of sparkling wine which I embroidered a bottle jacket for - ours was a posh bottle of wine!! probably not vintage but it was at least welll dressed!
Finally finished, on Sunday night the back of Joshua and here you can see silly-Lilly helping me measure it and checking for me that it is finally "right" .. I don't know what it is about cats and knitting/sewing but they do feel they have to be involved! unfortunately their idea of involvement usually means CLAWS!  Anyway, the back is now the required length, and whether I have enough yarn or not I'll have to wait and see ..


Val said...

What a good mother you are! My kids would have loved having you for a Mum! When my son went off to uni in Edinburgh I couldn't wait to get him and his mountains of luggage on the train so that I could rush home and turn his bedroom into a sewing room for me! He's lived in Scotland ever since! lol xx

SewIknit2 said...

lol! mind, don't forget I turned THEIR 2nd bedroom into MY sewing room the minute no.2.son was looking like nearly lifting his head from cot OUT and INTO bunk beds/1 room! x