Saturday, 5 April 2008

Messy Tuesdays!

I know its not ACTUALLY a Tuesday! but this has been waiting to be blogged for the past fortnight however I lost my camera in the middle of all the mess .. not actually true! its just been a bit busy fitting in domestics, family, work AND the Easter holidays for me to be totally organised and post it ON a (Messy) Tuesday!

here it is - then! - my TOTALLY messy section of our lounge.
I've been following these entries and confessions of messiness each week now and don't feel quite SEW bad about my crafty-mess intruding onto the family areas now I know that half of YOU are the SAME as ME!! totally MESSY!!
Of course, I blame our tutor, Sarah, for this! At least when I only machine sewed, it was all contained upstairs in my SEWING ROOM! but now that I'm needle felting, hand stitching, beading, well its all come downstairs! and the MESS just surrounds me where I sit in the evenings - as you can see:
My KNITTING is in various bags which include the Vneck tank top of which I'm about half way done, and my poor 2nd sock is STILL about 4 rounds from toe shape/finishing! a basket of library books have stacked atop boxes of my beading and threads and then there's the foam and needle felting! (I'm banned, now, from doing this during important tv viewing - especially during FOOTBALL! on account of all THREE of them have made threats to cut my foam block, snap my needles and do other nasty things to my fibres IF I don't stop "crunching" away ..!)
I can take a hint!
The long suffering family know better than to say anything about such crafty messiness, but I can tell they'd rather a wife/mum who wielded a dusted and vac and baked cakes and other such treats for entertainment, and every now and then I make an effort to TIDY UP and move stuff about. Admittedly, it mostly involves moving boxes and packages and projects UPSTAIRS and then bringing fresh bags, samples and projects DOWNSTAIRS and on occasion I've had to fib a bit and say that NO this ISN'T (necessarily a NEW knitting project, its just a trick of the light fooling you into thinking THIS is pink, when last night it was beige yarn ..)
I'm not, of course, fooling anyone. they know as well as I do, that I'm basically just a MESSY person and its just as well, as I often say, that I'm NOT the house-proud sort, or else I'd surely be nagging hubby to be doing a bit more DECORATING!?
My excuse is, that I grew up in a shambles of a derelict old waterworks cottage which never quite managed to somehow get finished, and we always had boxes of "stuff" piled up the stairs, on the stairs, atop the stairs, in our room, in the kitchen, in the pantry, .. you get the idea? I'm, therefore, sort of used to clutter!

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